NDA. Crafting the target vision for Avito Card: from transaction history and QR code payments to card reissuance and freezing.

NDA. A service for the Billing team. The new service comprises several modules, including an all-services overview, service details, and a service creation feature with a step-by-step form.

NDA. A critical project for the Central Bank aimed at obtaining regulatory approval. Collaborated closely with legal experts and editors to ensure compliance and accuracy throughout the process.

NDA. Partner integration for measuring demand for financial products and testing entry points using A/B testing.

Concept: Creating a new entry point to improve the Adoption Rate metric, with low task decomposition.

NDA. Creating the architecture and design of a website for a well-known Russian fashion designer.

Participation in weekly design workouts. Result: ranked in the top 10 out of 2,000 participants and advanced to the FinTech cluster.
created by vladoskav